Zeta Test Management Online documentation

User management

Zeta Test is designed for multiple users to work on the same project simultaneously over local area networks (LAN). The user management controls which users may perform which actions.

To open the user management, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "User management" menu item in the "Project" main menu. →The "Manage groups and users" dialog window opens.
  2. Use the tabs "Users", "User groups" and "Active Directory" to manage the different areas.

The user management’s scope is always on a per-project-basis.

User groups

User groups can contain one or multiple users (members). Every user group has an assigned role.

A user can be member of more than one user groups. Therefore, a user can have multiple roles assigned by its multiple group memberships.

Please note:
User groups cannot be nested, i.e. a user group cannot be member of another user group.

To edit user groups, use the buttons "New", "Edit" or "Delete" on the "User groups" tab.


Each user group in Zeta Test has an assigned role. A role is a sum of permissions that is typically required for performing a certain task.

Zeta Test defines the following roles:

  • Administrator
    An administrator has the highest set of permissions. He has all the permissions of a project manager and, additionally, can configure all aspects of a test project.
  • Project manager
    A project manager has all the permissions of a test manager and can also create test units and test cases. He or she also can start and edit test runs as well as assign permissions for test plans.
  • Test manager
    A test manager can perform most of the project manager tasks, but has only limited permissions to access certain elements.
  • Tester
    A tester can only perform tests where he or she was granted permissions to.


To edit user, use the buttons "New", "Edit" or "Delete" on the "Users" tab.

Integrated authentication

You can configure a user to use Zeta Test’s integrated authentication method:

  • Open the "Edit user" dialog window.
  • Select the "More options" tab.
  • Uncheck the check box "User is authenticated through Active Directory".
  • Select the "User" tab.
  • Enter a log in password in the fields "Password" and "Password repeat".

Please note:
Password repetition is there to ensure that the password is entered correctly.

Authenticating through Active Directory

If you want to configure a user so that he or she can log in with the same password as the Active Directory user account, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Edit user" dialog window.
  2. Select the "More options" tab.
  3. Check the check box "User is authenticated through Active Directory".
  4. Select the "User" tab.
  5. Enter the domain as well as the Windows log in name of the user in the form "MyDomain\MyUser" in the field "Login name".

Importing from Active Directory

Please note:
Active Directory is a directory service from Microsoft and included in Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. Active Directory is a directory service used to store information about the network resources across a domain and also centralize the network. Importing from Active Directory into Zeta Test should be done by people with appropriate administrative knowledge only.

You can import users and user groups from any number of different Active Directory domains into Zeta Test.

To configure the import of users and user group, use the buttons "New", "Edit" or "Delete" on the "Active Directory" tab.

To actually perform an import, select an import configuration from the list "Import configurations" and click on the "Import" button.

Please note:
You can configure Zeta Test to automatically import from Active Directory. See chapter 9.1.2 for details.

Permissions on test folders, test plans and test units

Beside the permissions that are derived from the roles a user (through the user group) has, you can explicitly specify access permissions for user groups on test folders, test plans and test units.

These permissions are not configured in user management, but directly in the properties dialog window of the object, e.g. in the properties dialog window of a test folder.

The following permissions can be assigned:

  • Full access
    The members of the configured user groups have full access to the element.
  • Read-only access
    The members of the configured user groups may view the element, but cannot edit it.

Depending on the type of object, you can configure a permission to be inherited by checking the "Entail" check box. If the option is checked, the configured permissions apply to the element itself, as well as to all other child elements, both existing and later added.

If a child element has the same permission configured as an inherited permission in a parent element, the permission on the child element overwrites the inherited permission.

Assigning permissions

To assign permissions, follow these steps:

  1. Select the test plan, test folder or test unit in the structure view in the main window where you want to set permissions for.
  2. Right click on the element.
  3. Select "Edit" from the context menu.
  4. Select the "Permissions" tab.
  5. Change or create permissions by using the button "New", "Edit" or "Delete".