Zeta Test Management Online documentation


Attributes are name value pairs that can be attached to different elements within the hierarchy of a project (e.g. to test cases). Attributes can also be inherited from parent hierarchy elements to child hierarchy elements.

Attributes are therefore a general purpose functionality of Zeta Test to add additional information (in the form of name value pairs) to existing elements.

Please note:
Attributes are a completely optional feature. For most of your Zeta Test projects, it is very likely that you never need to use attributes at all.

Once attached to an element the attributes are, among others, accessible in the following contexts:

  • In reports.
  • In the tabular content area of the main window.
  • In the "Overview" tab in the content area of the main window.

Attribute types

Besides a name and a value, attributes can also be given a type. The type controls how the user enters values for an attribute and how values entered are then displayed.

The types available are:

  • Text box, single line
  • Text box, multi line
  • Date selection
  • Check box
  • List

Attribute styles

Attribute styles are an advanced feature with which you can define a template of "attributes to create" that can be used later in the workflow.

An attribute style contains one or multiple style fields that define the name and type of the attributes that are being created based on that attribute style.

Defining and assigning attribute styles

To create, edit or delete attribute styles, follow these steps:

  1. Click on menu item "Attribute styles" in the "Project" main menu item. → The "Attribute styles" dialog window will open.
  2. On the "Attribute styles" tab, use the button "New", "Edit" or "Delete".

You also can define standard attribute style for the various element types in the structure view of the main window. When being defined, these styles are available in the property dialog windows of the elements on the "Attribute" tab, in the context menu of the "New" button.

To define standard attribute styles follow these steps:

  1. Click on menu item "Attribute styles" in the "Project" main menu item. → The "Attribute styles" dialog window opens.
  2. Click on the "More settings" tab.
  3. For each element listed, select the standard attribute style.

Promoted attributes

There is another input method for attributes, used for entering attributes for test cases, as well as during a test run.

In these scenarios, attributes cannot only be created on the "Attributes" tab, but also listed side-by-side on the very first tab of the dialog window. This simplifies entering of attributes for the users.

To configure an attribute to be enterable on the first tab page, you have to mark the respective attribute style as being a "promoted attribute".

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click on menu item "Attribute styles" in the "Project" main menu item. → The "Attribute styles" dialog window will open.
  2. On the "Attribute styles" tab, use the button "New" to create a new attribute style, or use the button "Edit" to edit an existing attribute style.
    → The "Edit attribute style" dialog window will open.
  3. Use the "New" button to add an attribute style field. →The "Edit attribute style field" dialog opens.
  4. Set the value of the field "Is promoted" to "Yes" in the "Settings" field.
  5. Close all dialog windows with "OK".

After these steps, it is important that you assign the respective attribute style as a standard attribute style for test cases or test run result items. Otherwise Zeta Test cannot detect which attribute style to use for displaying promoted attributes.

Please note:
Be careful when configuring promoted attributes to ensure that you changes do not erroneously change already finished test runs.